Name: Polash Age: 14 "P is for my name. It means a lot to me because it’s my life."

Name: Undisclosed Age: 45 "I wear this white band around my wrist every day to signify the marriage to my husband."

Name: Hafez Mohammed Age: 25 "I am the Imam of the Shahi Mosque at Dhaka University. I wear the traditional Tupi on my head to represent his religious beliefs."

Name: Quin Age: 19 "My mother bought it for me so it is very special to me. I wear it everywhere."

Name: Schumon Age: 30 "This bracelet has a deep spiritual meaning to me as a Sunni Muslim. By wearing it every day I feel god is watching over me and taking care of me at all times."

Name: Undisclosed Age: 23 "These rings represent different things. One brings me luck and another wishes good health to a friend in hospital."
Expression of one’s identity can be displayed physically in many ways. It is believed that what you carry is a direct correlation with who you are and what you care for. Each of us carries things with us every day that have hidden meanings and emotions attached to them, which passers-by aren’t aware of. Through a series of portraits I will showcase people’s most prized possessions and the deep importance that these items play within these people’s lives in the chaotic world of Contemporary Dhaka. Sometimes we lose sight of who we are or where we’re from in amongst the hustle and bustle; it is intended for this work to reflect a sense of what it is to be human and remind us all of what we hold important.